Whether you have been feeling tension in your body, feeling under-energised, are recovering from illness or just dealing with what life throws at you, Kinesiology can help.
Kinesiology Body Balance Treatment £65 (60 mins)
Using muscle testing, meridians, neuro-vascular and neuro-lymphatic techniques we can pinpoint where the imbalances are in your energy system and rebalance your body.
Amazingly, your body has an inherent knowledge of what it needs to rebalance and we can use kinesiology to tap into this - you can actually see your body respond positively to the things it needs during the treatment.
We can see whether your body is absorbing all it needs nutritionally and we can check for food sensitivities. This treatment improves circulation and the effectiveness of your lymph and immune system enabling you to feel more balanced and relaxed. It helps to make your body more efficient at healing itself. It’s particularly useful in supporting your body and your mind during times of stress.